How to Stop Doomscrolling, According to Mental Health Experts


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When tragedy strikes, many people turn to social media in an attempt to find the words they cannot come up with themselves. We’ve seen this time and time again with landmark events like the loss of abortion rights, school shootings, and the end of affirmative action. Given the stress of the current election year, it’s likely that people are staring helplessly into their phones now more than ever.

Whether you’re seeking comfort, distraction, or news updates, social media has a way of luring you in, especially during times of chaos. But while it’s important to stay informed about what’s happening in the world, psychologists say there is such a thing as consuming too much news, especially when it starts to feel out of your control. This phenomenon is called “doomscrolling,” but don’t worry — you’re not the only one who does it.

“Doomscrolling refers to the rabbit holes we often find ourselves in on the internet, reading, searching, and ‘investigating’ the toils and troubles of the day,” says Jason S. Moser, PhD. Although it can occasionally bring people together in times of difficulty, social media rarely provides the “comfort” so many people seek in difficult or stressful times. Even if you’re worried about missing new information or updates on current events, doomscrolling could be doing more damage than you realize. Here’s how to stop doomscrolling, according to experts, so you can stay informed without sacrificing your mental health.

Experts Featured in This Article:

Jason S. Moser, PhD, is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Michigan State University.

Erika McElroy, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and manager of clinical education at SonderMind.

What Is Doomscrolling?

People have a tendency to focus on bad news, Dr. Moser says, which means doomscrolling isn’t actually that new in practice. But thanks to our smart devices, we can now consume countless headlines on social media every second of the day. As is the case with anything we do in excess, Dr. Moser says we generally reach a point where we’re not learning anything new, and the time spent doomscrolling can begin to creep into other aspects of our lives.

When Does Doomscrolling Become a Problem?

If the amount of time you spend scrolling interferes with completing work tasks, caring for family, and socializing with friends, it’s a red flag that you need to change the behavior, says Erika McElroy, PhD. “Doomscrolling is an interesting phenomenon because it’s a ‘reassurance seeking’ behavior,” Dr. Moser explains. “That is, we’re presumably looking for things to put our minds at ease — definitive information that helps us end the uncertainty or keep us in ‘the know’ or maybe even something good to offset the bad.” Unfortunately, there’s often not a definitive answer, so we can find ourselves in a cycle of looking for solutions and not finding anything, which only causes or exacerbates anxiety.

When we do find a rare bit of relief, we only reinforce our own doomscrolling behavior. “The momentary relief we find in some of these answers makes us more likely to scroll again,” Dr. Moser says. “The problem is, scrolling only has short-term benefits. Most likely it will result in longer-term anxiety and uncertainty because we never find the answer or relief that lasts that long.”

How to Stop Doomscrolling

Doomscrolling is a bad habit, but bad habits can be changed through awareness and conscious choices, Dr. McElroy says. To help break the habit, she recommends the following steps (but should you need additional mental health support, reach out to a professional for the best personalized advice).

  1. Track Your Doomscrolling: Begin by figuring out how much time you spend doomscrolling. “[You] can start a simple tracking system that includes how often [you] read news and how much time [you] spend reading each time,” Dr. McElroy says, noting that most people aren’t aware of how much time they spend scrolling each day. This simple task can be eye-opening. For a quick estimate, simply look at the screen-time report on your phone.
  2. Set Time Limits: Next, set a limit for how much time you want to spend scrolling through the news or social media each day. Dr. McElroy says this will vary depending on your habits. For example, some people read news a few times a day for short periods of time, while others scroll once a day for longer. “The important thing to consider is how you feel after reading,” Dr. McElroy explains. “If you feel anxious and upset, that’s a cue that you probably need to reduce the amount of time reading news or possibly read the news less frequently.”
  3. Break Before Bed: Try to avoid scrolling before bed, as that’s when your mind and body should focus on getting rest. “[Doomscrolling] sends a continuous message to the brain that situations in life are unsafe,” Dr. McElroy explains. This can put your brain in “fight or flight” mode and cause physical symptoms of anxiety. Putting your body into fight-or-flight mode right before bed can disrupt your sleep schedule and make it harder to get a good night’s rest.
  4. Remind Yourself of the Positive: When everything seems dark, find a way to remind yourself of the good in the world. “It can be helpful to plan a pleasant activity like a walk or talking with a friend after spending time reading negative news,” Dr. McElroy says. “This can help balance the negative information with a positive experience.”
  5. Remove Your Device: Take breaks from your phone and laptop. We’ve become accustomed to being connected to our devices at all times, but “the simple task of removing them from our environment can help remind a person to stop and think before engaging in doomscrolling behavior,” Dr. McElroy says.
  6. Check In With Yourself: After you’ve taken these steps to change your doomscrolling habits, do a weekly check-in with yourself. Assess how well you’re sticking to your new routine. Dr. McElroy recommends asking simple questions like, “Am I spending more or less time scrolling than I would prefer?” and “How do I feel after making these changes?” Find what works best for you.
    1. With all the tragedy we’ve collectively witnessed over the last few years, it’s important to take care of your mental health. For some, that may mean going on a social media break. For others, it could be limiting the amount of time you spend on social media. Remember that everyone is different, and if you need additional resources, consider reaching out to a mental health professional.

      If you are feeling anxious or depressed and need help finding help or resources, the Anxiety & Depression Association of America and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (1-800-950-6264) have resources available.

      — Additional reporting by Taylor Andrews and Chandler Plante

      Caitlin Flynn is a journalist, true crime fanatic, full-time Gemini, former ballerina, and big fan of unlikeable female protagonists.

      Taylor Andrews is a balance editor at PS who specializes in topics relating to sex, relationships, dating, sexual health, mental health, and more.

      Chandler Plante is an assistant editor for PS Health and Fitness. She has over four years of professional journalism experience, previously working as an editorial assistant for People magazine and contributing to Ladygunn, Millie, and Bustle Digital Group. In her free time, she enjoys finding new ways to rock her 18(!) different eye patches, and making videos about chronic illness, beauty, and disability.

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